If China has a Kafka, it may be Mo Yan. Like Kafka, Yan (The Republic of Wine; Red Sorghum) has the ability to examine his soci Shifu, You'll Do Anything For a Laugh Mo Yan, trans. from the. · Find Shifu You'Ll Do Anything For a Laugh by Yan, Mo at Biblio. Uncommonly good collectible and rare books from uncommonly good booksellers. “Shifu, you'll do anything for a laugh.” Moving up close to his apprentice and keeping his voice low, he said: “Little Hu, now I understand, it was a pair of spirits.” As soon as the words left his mouth, he felt a chill run up and down his spine and his scalp tighten; at the same time, however, he .
Shifu, Youll Do Anything for a Laugh | Chapter 5 of 17 Author: Mo Yan | Submitted by: Maria Garcia | Views | Add a Review Please hit next button if you encounter an empty page. Shifu, You'll Do Anything for a Laugh by Mo Yan. Mo Yan is a pen name. It means 'Don't Speak' and the writer Guan Moye adopted it because he has a tendency to talk too much. This comes, he says, from one of his two muses: loneliness (the other is hunger). Mo Yan is an unusual Chinese writer to reach an audience in the West. If China has a Kafka, it may be Mo Yan. Like Kafka, Yan (The Republic of Wine; Red Sorghum) has the ability to examine his soci Shifu, You'll Do Anything For a Laugh Mo Yan, trans. from the.
If China has a Kafka, it may be Mo Yan. Like Kafka, Yan (The Republic of Wine; Red Sorghum) has the ability to examine his soci Shifu, You'll Do Anything For a Laugh Mo Yan, trans. from the. Shifu, You'll Do Anything for a Laugh by Mo Yan and translated by Howard Goldblatt is a collection of eight short stories based loosely on the author's life experiences in China during the 60s up to the 80s. shifu, you'll do anything for a laugh features eight short stories (spanning most of mo yan's career) selected for inclusion by translator howard goldblatt with the author's approval. mo yan's introduction (recounting the forces that led to his i.