· Review | Remains by Andrew Cull. Decem. /. Author: Andrew Cull. Genre: Horror. Publisher: IFWG Publishing Australia. Published: Page Count: Driven to a breakdown by the brutal murder of her young son, Lucy Campbell had locked herself away, fallen deep inside herself, become a ghost haunting room 23b of the William Tuke Psychiatric Hospital.5/5. · Remains is a book that won’t let you go, there’s no respite to the darkness as we follows Lucy’s journey of recovery after the death of her only child after she checks out of a psychiatric ward. She’s looking for closure, living the nightmare each day everyday. There’s people on hand to help her but how can you comfort a grieving mother?Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins. · His latest novella (or short novel, depending on who you ask), Remains, is quite a disturbing thrill ride. It’s quick, to the point, and frantically exciting. It’s .
THE COCKROACH KING is a new novella written by Andrew Cull, the award-winning author of REMAINS and BONES. All profits from sales of THE COCKROACH KING will be donated to UNICEF. "We'd been in the house two weeks when Tommy pulled the first bones from the garden." When Cassie Baker buys the house on Cedar Street, it's partly because it reminds her of the house she grew up in in the '80s. Remains: Andrew Cull Reviewed By Aiden Merchant Paperback: pages Publisher: Ifwg Publishing International (16 Sept. ) I was a bit behind on Andrew Cull, having just read his acclaimed collection, Bones, last month. That being said, it's better being late to the party than never. Remains By Andrew Cull IFWG Publishing Australia Published: August 1, ISBN: Paperback, E-book Pages Author's Website.
Andrew Cull's collection of short stories, Bones, was a brilliant series of portraits in unease. Remains is so much more. This is a story about all consuming grief, about what might be done to try an balance out the wrongness in the world, and what happens if that wrongness bites back. Remains is Andrew Cull's first novel, and it's a great read. This story is creepy and unsettling, and it will stick with you after you are done. The foreword sets you up for a dark and spooky story, and I was excited to see what was going to happen. It does take a little bit to get going, but it's so worth it once it does. His latest novella (or short novel, depending on who you ask), Remains, is quite a disturbing thrill ride. It’s quick, to the point, and frantically exciting. It’s quick, to the point, and frantically exciting.