· My Maiden Voyage with Denton. / Rosalind Bassett. David Sedaris introduced me to Denton Welch on 10 May Asked in a Guardian interview which book he was ashamed not to have read, David replied “anything by Denton Welch”. In my normal busy life, I’d clock the name with interest, then forget it within the www.doorway.ruted Reading Time: 2 mins. Maiden Voyage is an account of author Denton Welch’s sixteenth year, when he ran away from his English public school and was then sent to Shanghai to live with his father. The book was Welch’s first and created a sensation on publication in ; its frank description of public schoolboy life forced publisher Herbert Read to initially seek advice from libel www.doorway.ru by: 1. Maiden voyage [Denton Welch] on www.doorway.ru *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Maiden voyage/5(27).
Maiden Voyage () is Welch's semi-novelistic, beautifully observed account of these formative experiences. 'Denton Welch's subject matter had a richness and a colour that links him with very unlike writers, such as Dylan Thomas, Edith Sitwell and Christopher Fry, all of whom were standing out against the drabness of their times.'. Denton Welch () wrote three novels and many short stories, journals, and poems. Born in Shanghai to an American mother and an English father, he was raised in England, and his principal ambition was to be a painter until a bicycling accident left him partially paralyzed at the age of twenty. 4 pages, words. This passage from Maiden Voyage by Denton Welch is an account of an adventurous European boy in China who wishes to explore the different cultures and experience the extraordinary. Yet he is overwhelmed by the barbarity of the new culture and this reveals to the reader the unexpectedness of life from the boys perspective.
Denton Welch's first novel Maiden Voyage () recounts Welch's adventures as a boy when, after running away from his English public school, he was sent to Shanghai to live with his father for a year. Welch's keen observations - of his tortured relationship with his distant father, and the colonial milieu of pre-war China - dominate this painfully honest narrative. Maiden voyage [Denton Welch] on www.doorway.ru *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Maiden voyage. Maiden Voyage, ; In Youth Is Pleasure, ; A Voice Through A Cloud, ; Short writings. Brave and Cruel and Other Stories, ; Fragments of a Life Story: The Collected Short Writings of Denton Welch, ; A Last Sheaf, ; I Left My Grandfather’s House, ; Journals and letters. The Denton Welch Journals, ed. Jocelyn Brooke,