Evelyn Vaughn, Her Kind of Trouble - Ask a question now. Media Gallery for Evelyn Vaughn, Her Kind of Trouble. Refine your search. Use the tools below to refine your search by only displaying reviews with a certain number of star ratings or to only show reviews from a certain time period.5/5(1). Mysterious strangers, warnings at sword point, threats of bodily harm all this effort to make me leave Egypt has made me more determined than ever to find the legendary Isis Cup and keep it out of the wrong hands. After all, I'm Maggi Sanger, full-time college professor, sometime grail hunter and all-around stubborn woman who won't be pushed www.doorway.ru things are getting even more complicated. The latest Grail Keeper suspense thriller adds to the delightful mythos established in A.K.A. GODDESS yet HER KIND OF TROUBLE is a stand alone thriller. Magnificent Maggie is a terrific heroine carrying out her responsibilities while pondering her love life as she has deep feelings for Lex, but has doubts on whose side he is on/5(5).
Her kind of trouble. [Evelyn Vaughn] Home. WorldCat Home About WorldCat Help. Search. Search for Library Items Search for Lists Search for Contacts Search for a Library. Create lists, bibliographies and reviews: or Search WorldCat. Find items in libraries near you. Advanced Search Find a Library. * * * HER KIND OF TROUBLE Evelyn Vaughn * * * * * * SOMEONE SHOULD TELL MY ENEMIES THAT FLATTERY WILL GET THEM NOWHERE Mysterious strangers, warnings at sword point, threats. Her Kind of Trouble by Evelyn Vaughn, , Harlequin Enterprises, Limited edition, in English.
Her Kind of Trouble — Evelyn Vaughn. Her Kind of Trouble. —. Evelyn Vaughn. Mysterious strangers, warnings at sword point, threats of bodily harm all this effort to make me leave Egypt has made me more determined than ever to find the legendary Isis Cup and keep it out of the wrong hands. After all, I'm Maggi Sanger, full-time college professor, sometime grail hunter and all-around stubborn woman who won't be pushed around. Read "Her Kind of Trouble" by Evelyn Vaughn available from Rakuten Kobo. Mysterious strangers, warnings at sword point, threats of bodily harm all this effort to make me leave Egypt has made. Her Kind Of Trouble book. Read 8 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. Evelyn Vaughn is one of the nom-de-plume used by southern author Yvonne.