· Ember from the Sun. by. Mark Canter (Goodreads Author) · Rating details · ratings · 37 reviews. In the blue ice of an arctic cave, a scientist has made an extraordinary discovery: a woman's body, frozen for 25, years in a near-perfect state, with pliant tissues, vessels filled with blood--and an embryo waiting to be born/5. · by Mark Canter ‧ RELEASE DATE: Oct. 1, Neanderthals (who disappeared from the world 40, years ago) get a new lease on life in this impressive, engrossing debut novel. While visiting his Indian homeland, Yute Nahadeh (who forsook Alaska to become a world-class paleoanthropologist) unearths from an ice cave a perfectly preserved young woman of great www.doorway.ru: Mark Canter. Named Ember, she is raised among the Quanoot Indians of Whaler Bay, Washington. Guided by a shaman who has waited for her return, pursued by the man of science who brought her to life, Ember /5(43).
Ember from the Sun-Mark Canter A forensic scientist discovers a pregnant Neanderthal, preserved for centuries in ice, and succeeds in delivering her baby, who grows up with supernatural powers and is thought to be the savior of a mysterious tribe. A first novel. , first printing. $, ad/promo. Embers of Sun-Helen Conrad Looking for books by Mark Canter? See all books authored by Mark Canter, including Ember from the Sun, and Down to Heaven, and more on www.doorway.ru Ember From The Sun|Mark Canter, Based On A Love Story|Danielle BlaiQ, Out of Egypt (Classic Reprint)|M. Elizabeth Crouse, The Land of Many Colors (My First Library)|Klamath County Ymca Family Preschool (Or.).
EMBER FROM THE SUN. Neanderthals (who disappeared from the world 40, years ago) get a new lease on life in this impressive, engrossing debut novel. While visiting his Indian homeland, Yute Nahadeh (who forsook Alaska to become a world-class paleoanthropologist) unearths from an ice cave a perfectly preserved young woman of great antiquity. My short stories have been published nationally and my debut novel, Ember From the Sun, was published in 10 foreign languages. I was raised in Kentucky hill country in a metropolis of tobacco and hog farmers, where I belonged to the only Jewish family in the universe. Find Ember From the Sun by Canter, Mark at Biblio. Uncommonly good collectible and rare books from uncommonly good booksellers.