"A Waterboy's Adventures In Music" is a fascinating, evocative memoir by one of the great British songwriters of the past four decades. It is an honest and revealing work, by turns heartfelt and funny, that tells the story of a cocky Scot with a sound in his head and his lifelong efforts to reproduce that sound - a story that runs from teenage fandom to international stardom, from Scotland to New York City and /5(90). Mike Scott’s memoir Adventures of a Waterboy did something that nobody was really expecting. For someone who “reputedly spent much of the defining decade of his music career refusing interviews and disappearing for years at a time in the Celtic mists”¹ Mike wrote a book that turned out to be surprisingly revealing; “a wonderful, eloquent memoir, a captivating, often transcendently . · Lyrical, driven, singular as his peers Bob Dylan, Neil Young and Van Morrison, Mike Scott is a man made manifest through his music. Scotland’s most celebrated rock ‘n’ roller and singer-songwriter tells his story in Adventures of a Waterboy, laying down a remarkable body of work across thirty-five years and over two continents.5/5(2).
Adventures Of A Waterboy Paperback - Illustrated, 16 Aug. by. Mike Scott (Author) › Visit Amazon's Mike Scott Page. See search results for this author. Mike Scott (Author) out of 5 stars. 90 ratings. See all formats and editions. Mike Scott: Adventures Of A Waterboy|Mike Scott, Grumman F6F Hellcat Pilot's Flight Operating Instructions|United States Navy, Brief History of Assam|N.N. Acharyya, Raymond Aron. Immuable et changeante: De la IVe à la Ve République|Raymond Aron. Adventures Of A Waterboy is an evocative memoir by one of the great British songwriters of the past four decades. It is an honest and revealing work, by turns heartfelt and funny, that tells the story of a cocky Scot with a sound in his head and his lifelong efforts to reproduce that sound - a story that runs from teenage fandom to.
Find many great new used options and get the best deals for Adventures of a Waterboy by Mike Scott (, Trade Paperback) at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!. Mike Scott: Adventures Of A Waterboy|Mike Scott, AppleScript For DummiesÂ|Tom Trinko, Summer Mockery|Helen Weber, Soviet Army Uniforms and Insignia, |Great Britain. Adventures of a Waterboy is a wonderful, eloquent memoir, a captivating, often transcendently evocative read for anyone interested in the “roots music” impulse of rock stars and where it can.