· When Winter Comes is a fictional story inspired by the true historical events of the Donner Party in the s. Our narrator throughout the journey remains nameless. We only know her as a 15 year old girl, running away from a poor abusive family who joins a wagon trail heading west from Cincinnati to California to find land and settle for a better www.doorway.ruted Reading Time: 5 mins. Verified Purchase. WHEN WINTER COMES by V A Shannon. The fictional narrator of this account of the doomed Donner Party is never named, but is a good scribe as she records the events that lead up to the fateful decision to take the “shortcut” that will . · V.A. Shannon trained originally as an artist, in the United States, and then requalified as a lawyer in the UK, but her first love has always been writing. In , she was lucky enough to be accepted on the prestigious Faber Academy novel‑writing course where she embarked on the first draft of the novel that was ultimately to become When Winter www.doorway.ru: Kensington.
When Winter Comes by V.A. Shannon is a free NetGalley ebook that I read in mid-October. Startled at learning of the fates of two men who had saved the Donner Party and angry towards the litany of articles written by so-called survivors, Mrs Klein begins a journal, assured in the truth of what really happened. When Winter Comes by V A Shannon | Book Review #DonnerParty (@vashannon01) - My Reading Corner Published by Kensington PublishingEbook and paperback (30 October ) pagesSource: Review copy received from the author About the Book In the voice of an unforgettable heroine, V.A. Shannon explores one of the most harrowing episodes in pioneer. Find many great new used options and get the best deals for When Winter Comes by Shannon, V.A. at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
When Winter Comes is a fictional story inspired by the true historical events of the Donner Party in the s. Our narrator throughout the journey remains nameless. We only know her as a 15 year old girl, running away from a poor abusive family who joins a wagon trail heading west from Cincinnati to California to find land and settle for a better life. When winter comes by V. A. Shannon, , Thorndike Press edition, in English. Verified Purchase. WHEN WINTER COMES by V A Shannon. The fictional narrator of this account of the doomed Donner Party is never named, but is a good scribe as she records the events that lead up to the fateful decision to take the “shortcut” that will leave them stranded for the winter in the high Sierras.